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Friday, September 10, 2010

How to make money with Google AdSense

The Ins and Outs of Adsense

Tens of millions of people surf the internet every day. Some of them
are doing so to shop for products and services online. Others are just
skimming all the sights and sounds of the World Wide Web just for
fun. However, there is a common denominator among both of these
groups. If either of them comes across a good deal they are bound to
jump on it. Or, at the bare minimum, they will at least stop and check
a good deal out.

Ultimately, if an attractive advertisement is staring straight at them,
they might investigate further. This is true even if this wasn’t the
original intention.

For example, they may have an interest in politics and visit a politically
oriented website. As they read all the news headlines something
catches their eye: an innocuous advertisement appears in the corner
of the website. Actually, there are several advertisements. One of the
ads mentions “50% discounts on new political book releases”. So, the
visitors click on the ad and is immediately taken to the website
promoting the books. However, they do not make a purchase. But, this
does not matter to the owner of the political website. After all, the
website publisher has already earned income thanks to the visitor
clicking on the ad. And, no, there are no questions asked. His is
credited for having sent traffic to the advertiser. Does this sound like a
good deal? If it does…it’s because it is.

Welcome to the world of Adsense, Google’s revolutionary “Pay Per
Click” advertising strategy that pulls in billions of dollars in revenue
per year. And, yes, a lot of that money goes right into the pockets of
those whose website hosts the Adsense ads. Best of all, this is an easy
and lucrative process that takes mere minutes to set up.

Can you explain Adsense in a little further detail?
Adsense is an attractive method of marketing for businesses.
Traditionally, website ads needed to pay for their display placement on
websites. With Adsense, the advertiser does not pay for placement.
The advertiser pays for clicks. Hence, the name “Pay Per Click” (PPC).
The way this works is rather simple. The advertiser only needs to pay
for those visitors who actually click on the ads. If no one clicks on the
ads, they are not charged a fee. This encourages more and more
advertisers to become involved with Adsense. As such, the pool of
advertisers in the Adsense realm is so vast there are now advertisers
for any and all websites.

This is also a very easy process for the website owner. All one has to
do it copy and paste Adsense code onto their website. The ads will
appear immediately. At first, they will be generic advertisements.
Often, they will be mere public service announcements. This is to buy
time for the Adsense “spiders” as they crawl the publisher’s website.
Once they crawl the site, they will determine what type of website it is.
Then they will affix rotating advertisements that are in accordance
with the subject matter of a website. For example, if the website deals
with hunting and fishing, the spiders will pick up on this and the ads
appearing on the sites will reflect hunting and fishing ads.

While we are using the term website, there are various different online
resources Adsense ads can be placed upon. Blogs are commonly
employed as a venue for Adsense. Social networking sites are used as
well. (MySpace pulls in over $30 million a MONTH from PPC ads)
Website directories are frequently subsidized by Adsense ads.

However, the “average person” will usually utilize a niche website as
the platform for an Adsense campaign. As such, we will mainly deal
with these niche websites herein.

To illustrate, here’s a screenshot of what Adsense ads looks like on a
particular site:

You had most likely come across it while searching on Google, too:

The Basics of a Niche Website Explained

Of course, in order to earn money from Adsense you will need a viable
venue on the web that will attract visitors. This comes in the form of a
niche website. As the name implies, a niche website is a website that
appeals to a certain audience. Through targeting this audience and
attracting them to the site, you will also provide them with exposure to
the many Adsense ads that will appear on the site itself.

For example, there are many people who love science-fiction. As such,
a niche website that deals with the subject of science-fiction could
attract legions of fans. They would then see various Adsense ads that
deal with their favorite collectibles, hobbies, and memorabilia. Upon
visiting your niche site, these fans would then patronize the Adsense
ads. Here’s an example site for the ‘scrapbooking’ niche:

Of course, in order to earn money from Adsense you will need a viable
venue on the web that will attract visitors. This comes in the form of a
niche website. As the name implies, a niche website is a website that
appeals to a certain audience. Through targeting this audience and
attracting them to the site, you will also provide them with exposure to
the many Adsense ads that will appear on the site itself.

For example, there are many people who love science-fiction. As such,
a niche website that deals with the subject of science-fiction could
attract legions of fans. They would then see various Adsense ads that
deal with their favorite collectibles, hobbies, and memorabilia. Upon
visiting your niche site, these fans would then patronize the Adsense
ads. Here’s an example site for the ‘scrapbooking’ niche:

(source: aussiescrapbooking.com.au)

While science-fiction is a broad topic, please do not assume that all
niche websites need to center on a broad topic. Using science-fiction
as an example once again, you could develop a niche website that
would deal with a subset if the genre, a specific television program or
movie, or a favorite author. And, of course, this same strategy can be
applied to any subject matter you select as your niche site.

However, some may contend that niche websites that promote a
product or service will be less successful than one that promotes a
hobby or interest. Such an assessment may or may not be true
depending upon the way the niche website is crafting. If the website is
informative or entertaining then it will not turn off its visitors. This
means they will stay around for a while and, hopefully, patronize the
Adsense ads that appear on the site.

And, of course, quantity is helpful as well. If one niche website is
drawing an audience and revenues, then two websites will give you the
potential to draw twice as much. Of course, dozens of websites will
have the potential to provide an unending supply of revenues. After
all, the more websites you have out there, the more Adsense ads you
will have floating on the net. This will dramatically increase the
potential for earning revenues.

However, it is important to not confuse quantity with quality. Slopping
together hastily composed websites and tossing them out into
cyberspace is not the way to earn Adsense income. If it were then no
one would need a job as it would only take five minutes to make an
amateurish niche website. And, no, amateurish is not the way to run
any business venture.

Instead, take your time with each niche website you create. Make sure
they follow all the established rules of quality website design and
presentation. Ensure that the content of the website is valuable and
worth reading. Make the site look like a professional, quality work and
not a rush job. Do this with every website you create. This will greatly
increase the odds of success.

How to Sign Up for an Adsense Account

Signing up for an Adsense account is not a complicated process. Often,
an applicant can complete the necessary sign up steps in a few
minutes. Yes, those who sign up for an Adsense account must apply
for it. Google would need to approve you application as working with
Google is not a “right”. However, the criteria are nothing too complex.


The application form is fairly self-explanatory. The first section of the
website deals with the type of websites you will be placing the
advertisements. Note: You can place your Adsense code on as many
websites as you like. However, when you sign up for your application
you will need to list a primary website that Google will review upon
processing your application. So, provide the website’s URL and then
provide the language that the website is published in. While Adsense is
not available in all languages, the volume of languages that are
available is fairly expansive.

The next step is to make a few “promises” to Google. You will click on
an agreement that you will not place any ads on your websites that
are an incentive for visitors to click on the Adsense ads. Yes, it is
tempting to post a notice such as “Please support this site by clicking
on the ads” but it is illegal under the terms of Adsense’s service. This
is because Adsense is only interested in PPC traffic from interested
parties. It is not interested in providing a charitable foundation for the
website publishers. Again, Google takes this very serious and if they
catch you soliciting clicks on the ads, they will revoke you membership
and it is doubtful they will ever trust you with an account again!

The next area of affirmation centers on promising Google you will not
include any pornographic content on the site. Google wishes to remain
a family friendly company. They will not subsidize anything
pornographic in nature.

The next step is to note whether or not you are signing up as a
business or an individual. This is generally for tax purposes.
Individual’s will provide a social security number (SSN) and businesses
will eventually provide and employer identification number (EIN).

Then, you will need to provide your complete name and mailing
address. Google does not use PayPal. It sends checks via the mail. As
such, it is critical that you provide accurate information in this section.
Also, Google reports all US income to the Internal Revenue Service.

This is further reason why completely accurate information must be
entered in this section. Adding your phone number and email is also
requested in case Adsense must get in contact with you.

Finally, you will need to affirm three things. First, you will agree not to
click on your own ads. Second, you will certify that you have read all
the Adsense Program Policies. And, thirdly, you must certify you do
not already have an approved Adsense account.

(Adsense agreement to policies)

Let the truth be told: if you click on your own ads Google will find out
and ban you for life! Many people have tried this and none of them
have been successful! So, avoid doing this under any circumstances.
Even accidentally clicking on your own ads could have serious
repercussions. The Adsense Program Policies are fairly lengthy but
they are well worth reading. They tell you all you need to know about
staying in compliance with Adsense’ rules. And it is very important you
stay in compliance if you wish to maintain your membership! And
there is only one Adsense account per individual. This helps maintain
the honesty and integrity of the members.
After you have filled out the information, all you need to do is click the
“submit” button. More than likely, you will be approved within 3 days.
Once you are approved you will receive you code. The code then needs
to be placed on the appropriate section of your website. 
Different websites will vary in this regard. If you are unsure of where to place
your code, contact your web hosting service. They can provide the

Once you place the code, Public Service Announcement ads will appear on your
site. This is because the crawlers have yet to determine the content of
your site. Once they have they will adjust the ads so that they will be
more appropriate for visitors.

And speaking of your website….
Google probably will not approve your application if your primary
website is, essentially, of little value. If your website has very little in
terms of text content or is under construction, your application will
probably be denied. Also, if the website is poorly designed, difficult to
navigate or loaded with various technical issues such as broken links,
it will probably be denied as well. Therefore, it is important that you
have a decent website in place before applying for an Adsense
account. If, however, you do have a solid website then the odds are
pretty good that you will be approved! Remember, Google is looking
for quality sites to do business with as quality sites are the ones that
drawn in a lot of traffic.
Let’s repeat this very important point: You need a decent, well
constructed, valuable for Google to approve your account!
How will you know when you are approved? Google will send you a
confirmation email. You simply click on the link and you are in
business. However, you will need to build you business so that it is a
solid revenue generator. While there is no hard and fast rules as to
what is or isn’t the best Adsense strategy, there are a few tried and
true methods that are helpful. We’ll explore some of those methods

Developing and Designing theWebsite

Surely, there are many who wonder how they can develop and
Adsense niche website if they are not familiar with website design and
development. This is a legitimate concern, but it should not be the
source of any worry. This is because there are a number of options
available to those who need a website. Many people who have never
heard of website design of development prior to discovering the
concept of the Adsense niche campaign have gone on to huge success.
If it wasn’t a problem for them then it shouldn’t be a problem for you.
Here are a few of the ways to solve the design/development
The first option would be to hire a design and development company
to host and craft your websites. Obviously, this would come with a
variety of costs. The designers and the hosting companies would have
to be paid for their services. Of course, if the niche website delivers
solid revenue then theses costs would be covered. And, yes, the costs
of designing and developing a website are tax deductable.
A cheaper option would be to secure the service of a website company
that provides templates for niche websites. These sites can cost a
nominal fee per month and they are easy to navigate. You simply
enter the text of your articles into the designated spots and
hit publish.
The final option, and one that doesn’t require any money, is to create
the website yourself. You can use a free website builder like Kompozer
(www.kompozer.net) to create your website.
On a side note, there is free website hosting companies available as
well. They are not always the nicest in design and you probably will
give them space on the site for their own ads. That is the tradeoff for
getting a free website. For some, this is a fair trade.
As a basic guide, you want your website’s layout to look like the
following illustration:

How To Insert Adsense to Your Website

Before inserting Adsense ads to your webpage, you need to know
where to place it:

The Placement of the Ads
Where are these ads placed? There are a number of options as various
codes are provided. The ads can be placed in the right or left margins,
the top or bottom of the page, or even in the center of the page. They
will also appear on all the subpages of the site as well. And, as
previously mentioned, there is NO cost to the website owner. Google
Adsense is a completely free program. You acquire the code for free,
ad it to your site, and then collect on the clicks. Ok, there is a little
more to this process than the cursory explanation just provided.

However, on a basic level, the purpose of an Adsense niche website is
to promote the Adsense ads. That means they need to be clearly
displayed on the website. Often, people will place them on a site
somewhat haphazardly. Others select ad placements that are ok, but
ok is, well, just ok. You do not want ok because it is akin to being
You do not want to place your ads in an average manner. You want to
do so in a manner that will maximize the rate of success for your site.
A rule of thumb here is to place the ads in a manner that complements
the website. Work with the design of the site and not against it. Some
designs yield better results with the ads at the top of the page while
other work best with the ads in the margins. Perform a little trial and
error and see which placement strategy works best for you.
Here’s a basic guide on placing Adsense ads:

Now it’s time to get Adsense ready

Entering in the code for your Google Adsense account is just as simple.
So, you do not need to assume that running your own niche website is
all that difficult.

You’ll need to be logged in to get your Adsense code. Once you’re
logged in click on ‘Adsense Setup’ and on that page click on ‘Adsense
for Content’. This is the basic and most common type of Adsense

The next step is to choose your ad type. Select ‘Ad Unit’ > Text and
image ads:

On the next page you’ll need to format your ad:

For optimal results, choose a border that is the same color as the area
you’ll be placing the ad. If it’s white then simply select white as the
border color.

After you’ve completed the formatting, you’ll then get to the stage
where you can track the performance of this particular ad. This is
optional but highly recommended.

To add a new channel simply click ‘Add new channel’ and use a
descriptive name for this channel so that you’ll know where your clicks
will come from. It’s also ideal to add the position of where you’ll be
placing this ad. So if this add is for the sidebar of your page, then put
in something like “scrapbooking_sidebar”.
Once this stage is completed, you’ll need to save the ad unit with a
descriptive name and then click on ‘Submit and Get Code’.
You’ll then see the code which you need to copy and paste to your
webpage. If you don’t know how to do this, click on the ‘Code
implementation Guide’ link:

Content is King

The Type of Content You Will Need
It is critically important that the content provided on the website is
both informative and/or entertaining. When people come across you
site, you want them to stay. Or, better yet, you want them to frequent
the site. If they appear on the site for a few seconds and leave, they
will not be around long enough to click on the Adsense. Of course, if
they are not clicking on the ads then your niche site simply is not
going to draw any money.
Returning the previous example, of Halloween costumes, solid articles
on subjects such as the history of Halloween, the origins of Halloween
costumes, Halloween customs in the eastern world, the most popular
Halloween movies, and many other similar themed content articles will
prove appealing to those that have an interest in Halloween. This
means they will stay and read the articles. The hopeful result of this is
that they will click on the ads. Who knows? Perhaps reading about
popular Halloween films may move them to click on that “Horror movie
DVDs – 30% off!” Adsense ad. Yes, that is the goal here and having
quality content is the key.
Of course, some people may read this and say “That’s a great idea,
but I am not an experienced writer.” Well, you do not have to be the
person to write the content for the niche articles. You can procure
original work from a variety of content writing sources. These include
purchasing from established writing services, freelance auctions, and
many other venues. Does that cost money? Of course, it does.
However, the goal of the niche site is to earn revenues. So, consider
the costs of acquiring original content to be a business expense that
will eventually pay for itself through the Adsense revenues.
The articles do not have to be anything academic or visionary. They
just need to be well written and interesting. Yes, this is a basic
approach to creating content but it is an effective approach. Without it,
your niche website will not have much value. That means it won’t be
generating any revenue. Conversely, a well composed website with
excellent text might yield a great revenue stream.

The Basics of Keywords
 What are keywords? These are the words that the search engines will
scan in order to ascertain what you site is about. This allows the
search engines to match your website with the subject matter that
people are looking for. This brings us to our next point….
Keywords are also the common terms that people will plug into search
engines when they are looking for information. For example, if your
Adsense website revolves around the
subject of Halloween costumes, you would want to use keywords that
people would commonly use when searching for costumes. Examples
of these keywords would be adult Halloween costumes, kid’s
Halloween costumes, sexy Halloween costumes, plus-sized Halloween
costumes among others.
You do not want the text to be “stuffed” (overused) with keywords.
This is frowned upon by search engines and it does not make for good
website copy. This means the search engines might even go so far as
to ignore your website they may assume it to be a spam website. It
will also turn off readers. If the text and the copy of the websites are
weak and loaded with nonsensical collections of keywords, visitors
won’t stick around. After all, what is in it for them reading poorly
written copy?
In general, it is best to stick with one keyword per 100 words of text.
Make sure the text is professional written and entertaining. Never
sacrifice quality at the altar of keyword content as this would be selfdefeating.
Additionally, the presence of the keywords will convey site information
to the Adsense ads. This will ensure that your website’s Adsense ads
correspond with the content of your site. It is not impossible for a
poorly optimized site to create Adsense ads that have nothing to do
with the content of the site. Needless to say, such a situation would be
disastrous as far as revenue earnings go.
Also, it is helpful to include the main keyword in the title of the website
page. Again, if your site deals with Halloween costumes, then 
Halloween costumes should appear in the title!
But, what can you do if you are unsure as to what keywords you
should use? There are subscription services that can provide the
response you need. What these services do is they track the statistics
of commonly used search engine keyword terms. If you were to type
on Halloween costumes, the service would present the most common
keywords associated with Halloween costumes. These services are
relatively inexpensive and provide you with the needed keywords to
make your website properly optimized.
Freekeywords.com and wordtracker.com are two of the most popular
sites. And they do not pull their keywords out of the clear blue sky.
They base their keyword ratings on various search statistics. That
means you can always trust the suggested keywords they provide.
They will be the actual keywords that are used by people skimming the
Another important point is that the content of your sire must be
original. That means you should not copy or plagiarize material from
other sites. A common trick people will employ is to copy an article
from another site and ad a unique intro along the lines of “Here is an
excellent article published on so-and-so’s site.” This trick doesn’t work.
The search engines will recognize this as duplicate content and
duplicate content has very little value as far as search engine rankings
go. Once again, original and unique content is critical for search engine
keyword success.

A Brief Overview of Content
 While we have discussed the general headings of what a niche website
may contain, it is important to delve into the specifics of the content.
Specifically, a niche website should embody the look and feel of a
newsletter or online magazine. That means it should have a number of
articles on it for the visitors to read. These articles are commonly
referred to as website content and it is critical for placement in the
search engines and for maintaining visitors.
Remember the good old days of the early 1990’s where websites
contained sparse text, a few pictures, and a huge advertising come to
purchase? If you do then you realize these were not so much the good
old days as much as they were the dark ages of website design. Do
such sparsely designed websites still exist? Yes, but you will have a
hard time finding them as they have essentially been dropped down an
Orwellian search engine black hole. To survive in today’s day and age,
websites need to have well crafted prose. Without it, the site is
essentially worthless as far as Adsense revenue generating.
The search engines thoroughly frown on websites with little or no
content. When it comes to ranking a website in terms of its numerical
importance, sites that have more content will be given preferential
treatment than those with limited content. This is because a site
offering a number of excellent free articles will certainly be more
worthwhile to readers than those sites without content.
And speaking of readers, those that come across your website need a
reason to stay around. If all you have are a few pictures and a little bit
of writing, even if it is good material, it doesn’t exactly take a long
time to skim 100 words and two photos! Also, such sparse information
does very little for stimulating the imagination or emotions of the
reader. In short, it becomes a marginally positive experience and the
reader will invest a small amount of time on the site and then leave.
Does this sound like the type of visitor who will be clicking on your
Adsense ads? Hardly! You really have to give the reader something to
How many articles should the website contain? At minimum, you will
need five. However, five to ten can be a better amount of articles. The
reasons you want several articles are varied and they are all
important. Namely, not everyone will have an interest in every topic
you write about. When you provide the visitors with up to ten different
topics you will probably present the visitor with a few topics he will be
interested in reading. Therefore, he may read several of the articles.
This will bring him into contact with the various Adsense ads on the
pages the articles are placed on. So, the more choices of articles the
more articles a visitor may read and the more Adsense ads the reader
might click on. Conversely, too few article topics could dissuade many
visitors from sticking with the site.
Now, does there need to be a specific length to the articles appearing
on the niche website. This is a slightly difficult question to answer
because content dictates length. That is, you want to write a good
article with good content. It the article naturally comes out to 500
words, you will not make it better by forcing it to be a 700 word
article. Padding or lengthening the article will become obvious because
such an article will contain tons of words and phrases will not yield an
article that is worth reading.
Similarly, you do not want an article that is too short. A 200 word
article is not an article. It is a paragraph! You should shoot for a
minimum of 400 words. 500 – 750 word articles would be fine
provided, of course, they are well written. 1200 – 1500 word articles
would be ideal since they can flesh out their subject matter in a great
deal of depth. Most magazine articles fall into this very word length
because covering a subject in a cursory manner is not always a good
way to sustain a readership.
Can you write extremely long 5,000 word articles? It is possible if the
subject you are writing about can sustain such depth. An article on the
subject of the Pacific battles of World War Two would need such
enormous length. Just be sure that you do not publish the entire
article in one column down the website’s page. This would not make
for great website design. Also, much of the text might be below the
“cut off” point of the Adsense ad columns. You do not want people to
ever end up on a part of the niche website that does not have ads
clearly displayed. If your visitors cannot click on your ads then what
value would the website possess?
Instead, opt to break a 5,000 word article into five pages at 1,000
words each. At the end of one page, place a link that continues the
article on another page. This will ensure that the readers are always in
contact with the ads. It also makes for a much more aesthetically
pleasing website design.
Of course, no matter what the length of the article may be it is of
paramount important to never lose site of the necessary keywords.
That means the keyword density would need to be maintained
throughout all the subpages. This is critical because once the keywords
are out of concert with the content of the articles then it will be
doubtful people will click on them.
Adding and updating articles to your website at regular intervals is not
a bad idea either. Look at it this way, if people loved the 5 – 10
articles you have written, they will certainly look forward to reading
the next 5 – 10 articles. (That’s why Stephen King has been in
business since 1975) Adding new articles here and there will keep
attracting old readers back to your sight. They will also aid in
attracting new readers as well.

The Subjects to Write About
 While we have discussed how to place the needed content on the
articles, we have not discussed what to write about. This is a critical
point because the subject matter of your articles will determine
whether or not people will be willing to read them. If you subjects are
too dull, banal, or esoteric you may not attract a number of visitors to
your website. However, if the topics are original, engaging, and unique
they will surely draw the attention of a number of readers. But, how
can you specifically come up with a topic if you have a little case of
writer’s block. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to see what others have to say on
the same subject matter.
Articles directories are an excellent resource on every topic under the
sun. Visiting a popular article directory such as EzineArticles.com could
provide the inspiration that you need in order to come up with a
number of great topics. Reading these various articles will surely
provide inspiration of a starting point for further research. Often,
people will bang their heads against the wall trying to come up with a
subject for an article; but, it would be much easier to skim the internet
looking for inspiration. This will deliver more results that trying to
come up with every article idea on your own.

And, no, this does not mean you crib other people’s articles and
paraphrase them. This would not be a very honest approach to
developing your niche website. Instead, your goal is to look at the
material as a source of coming up with your own ideas. For example,
let’s say you come across an article in a directory that covers “5 Ways
to Make Your House More Energy Efficient”. You read the article and
you have serious disagreements. Rather than dismiss the articles, you
can use it as basis for an article that covers your perspective on
making a house more energy efficient.
Or, in a more positive light, you could take one of the five tips and
expand a full article on it. Really, there is no limit to what you can do.
No matter what idea pops into your head, you can use that idea as a
means of expanding the idea into an article. Who knows? Maybe you
will come up with a whole host of ideas as you do your research. All of
these ideas can become the basis for a treasure trove of articles.
Simply take a basic idea and expand upon it. That is probably the best
way to come up with article ideas.
You could also use the article directories as a means of exploring what
works and what does not work in the articles you craft. When you
spend enough time on article directories, you will probably find
yourself asking “How did this article ever get published?” Yes, there
may be a number of poor articles you come across. Don’t ignore
them out of hand. Look at the weaknesses of the articles and analyze
why they are weak. Use this reflection as a means of improving your
own niche site’s content.
And, of course, you will also want to explore the good and sometimes
great articles you come across. Make mental notes about what is
appealing in these articles and what makes them work so well. Use
them as a guide to make sure the quality standards of the articles on
your niche site are high. This is important because high standards will
aid in pulling in traffic.
As we mentioned, keywords are critical within the body of the text.
However, there are other “spots” that the keywords can be placed in.
Namely, you can place the keywords in the title of the article,
headlines, and sub-headlines. These additional components of the text
can also be boldfaced to draw additional attention to them.
Keep in mind, the search engines run on automated codes. That
means they are programs to look for certain things in a website.
Headlines and sub-headlines stick out to the search engines. This is
doubly true when the headlines contain critical and illustrative
keywords. So, a solid mix of distinctive headlines that contain
keywords is a good search engine optimization tactic. Then there is
another benefit as well. Visitors love those headlines!
When people come across a website they are not nose to nose with the
computer screen. They are looking at it from their chair a foot or two
away. From such a distance, it is not exactly easy to make out what is
on the screen unless they look closer and read the words. That’s fine
as most people will give a website a closer “look see” before moving
on. There is, however, a way you can make sure that fewer people
move on. Yes, the addition of keyword containing headlines will aid in
catching their eyes.
How does this occur? Once again, let’s look at the example of the
person looking at the screen from a reasonable distance. The person is
innocuously surfing the internet, clicking on page links, and comes
across a page that boldly proclaims HOW GOLD INVESTMENT IS
. This is the clear headline to the article and
it distinctly tells the individual what the website is all about. That
means he will stick around and read it particularly if he is interested in
new and safe investment strategies. And, of course, these headlines
also fit into the overall process of defining the Adsense ads. This is
because they will be sending vital information to the Adsense spiders
regarding what ads to display. The words gold, investment and
currency will aid greatly in this regard. However, one headline is not
enough to raise the odds that the Adsense headlines will display ads
related to gold investment. As such, using the keyword gold
investment in two other sub-headings as well as in the article itself
would tip the Adsense ads’ subject in your favor.
Now, at this point, some may be asking if there really is a lot of money
in Adsense?
Believe it or not, there are a number of websites that pull in upwards
of $200,000 PER MONTH in Adsense revenue. Yes, there are websites
that earn well over a million dollars a year from Adsense. If that is not
an inspiration for signing up for Adsense then nothing is! Does this
mean that all you have to do is sign up for Adsense and you are an
immediate millionaire? No, it doesn’t. The amount of money that you
will earn from Adsense will be based on how much traffic your website
gets. So, let’s delve into the subject of traffic, SEO, and link building….

Getting People to Your Website
So you’re website’s ready, how do you get people to your site? Here
are ways to do so:

Optimizing Your Website for Search Engines
If a website is published but it is of little consequence in the search
engines, is it really a website? Yes, and it will be a website no one
visits! Needless to say, this would not be a good thing for a website
that is intended for stimulating Adsense revenue. On a baseline level,
an Adsense website will need traffic in order to generate revenue. If no
one is visiting the website then no one will be clicking on the ads.
While there are many ways to stimulate traffic, a solid presence in the
search engine is critical. This is why you must optimize your website
for the search engines.
What is meant by optimizing a website? It simply means crafting the
website in such a way that it can achieve the maximum benefit from
the search engines. That is, it embodies a number of traits that aid in
directing organic traffic from those who frequent the search engines.
Of course, you need to submit your site to the search engines first.
Most people realize this. However, they will often only submit their
sites to the top search engines: Yahoo, Google, MSN, and AOL. Now, it
is critical that you submit to these sites. But, it is also important to
submit the URL of the website to the smaller search engines as well.
Look, it is free to submit to these engines and they do get some
traffic. So, why not take advantage of them? If you are worried about
the time commitment needed to submit to these search engines, don’t
fret. There are a number of free automated services that will submit
your site of smaller search engines. Again, these services are there.
Why not take advantage of them?
Now, back to the subject of optimizing the websites….
Optimizing websites is not as tough as some assume. All it takes is
following a few simple steps and you will have a website that will
attract a great deal of organic traffic. One of the best ways to do this is
to place a variety of helpful keywords within the text of the website.

Basic Link Building Strategies
Most online business ventures live or die based on search engine
rankings and search engine rankings are often based on links. This is
because each link that points to your site is a vote for the popularity of
your site. The more popular the site that is linking to you, the “larger”
a vote you will get. However, do not fall into the trap of being too
picky regarding where your link is placed. While some links are more
valuable than others, ALL links have value! This is a point that escapes
many people. Don’t make the mistake they do. Acquire any and all
links you can.
There are basically two types of links: reciprocal links and one way
links. Reciprocal links are you exchange links with another site. You
place a link to their site on your webpage and the other party places
your link on theirs. Simply get in the habit of email other similar
websites if they would wish to exchange links with you. The responses
will often be positive because they need help with link building too!
This is ok, but one way links have more value. One way links are links
where the site links to you but you do not link to their site. One way
links are usually more valuable because it infers that you site is very
important. That’s why people are linking to you! Of course, you can
also purchase one way links as well.
There are many services that offer link sales. Search engines
somewhat frown on this process and you might not get as many votes
as you expect. However, many of the links
will count towards your search engine rankings. The price of
purchasing one way links will vary from seller to seller. Some sellers
may charge a lot for a few highly trafficked sites. Others were charge a
little for a large number of low ranked sites. Often, sellers will ad links
onto a multitude of free blogs or submit links to directories for you.
While some may be a little down on such practices, they do help your
search engine rankings.

Blogging and Message Board Link Building Strategies
Then, there are things that you can do on your own to help build up
your links. For example, are you a regular reader of blogs and forums?
If so, you can add your links to your comments in your signature. No,
this does not mean you should “spam” anyone’s forums or blogs. But,
if you are a frequent and active contributor to these forums and blogs,
you can usually leave a link to your sites with little or no problem.
(The publishers of these sites will generally not hassle a regular
contributor) In addition to the search engine benefits of this strategy,
you will also receive direct traffic from those who frequent the blogs
and forums.

Using Article Directories to Build Links
Article directories are another outstanding forum for link building. The
way article directories work is simple. You provide an article on any
subject you wish and include links to your sites within the articles. If
the articles are published, they become part of the article directory’s
network. These articles can then be accessed by those who frequent
the directories. This can lead to significant direct traffic to your
Adsense site. And, of course, the links in the articles will be crawled by
the search engine spiders and add to your search engine placement.
Then, there is another added benefit. The sub-pages the articles
appear in will be crawled by the spiders and ranked as individual pages
within the search engines. That is, if you write an article on superhero
movies and properly utilize keywords associated with these types of
films, someone who cruises the internet looking for info on this type of
entertainment will eventually come across your article. This means you
will get more and more direct traffic to your site! Yes, article
directories are enormously valuable because they provide increased
search engine rankings as well as opportunities for direct traffic. Of
course, all of this targeted traffic will lead to greater conversion rates
on your Adsense site. Well, at least that is the plan.
Using Social Networking Sites to Your Benefit.
Without a doubt, social networking sites provide tremendous potential
for those looking to boost their Adsense campaigns. This is because
social networking sites are a virtual treasure trove of people who share
many of the same interests that the subject of your website(s) may
cover. Additionally, there are a great many ways to utilize social
networking sites as a promotional vehicle to drive traffic to your site
and to build links. If utilized properly, social networking sites can
seriously push an Adsense campaign site through the proverbial roof.
So, let’s look at a number of ways this can be done…..

No one ever truly imagined the wild success that social networking
sites have become. Originally conceived as a means for musicians,
artists, and classmates to stay in touch, social networking has grown
to include people from all walks of life. Best of all, social networking
sites will generally allow business ventures to promote themselves
provided they conduct themselves in an agreeable manner. In other
words, if you present yourself with good online manner you can
promote your Adsense websites without any hassle or interference.
And, of course, you can promote your Adsense websites to people who
would be quite interested in the content of the website.
And, here is the proverbial “kicker”. Social networking sites are free
and easy to use. So, let’s get to the meat of how to use social
networking sites for promotional purposes. Plus, you can create
profiles on as many social networking sites as you wish. However, the
general strategy will remain the same.
Basically, you need to design a profile that will complement your
Adsense site. For example, if you Adsense site revolve around NFL
football, you will want to craft a social networking profile that is
illustrated with images associated with the NFL. This will make the
profile visually appealing to those that come across it. If it is visually
appealing, visitors will want to check it out closer.
Of course, you want the primary title of the site and its slogan to
reflect your Adsense page. This way, people will follow your social
networking profile to visit the page that it is promoting. Ultimately, the
goal here is to use the social networking sites as a conduit to the
actual Adsense site.
It will be critical to build as many friends as you can. The main way to
do this would be to send friend requests to any and all other profiles
you come across. Of course, you will want to be friends with those that
would share an interest in the primary subject of your Adsense page.
But, it doesn’t cost anything to accept friend requests from all
spectrums. When you become friends with others, visit their profiles
and comment on their pages. This way, people who come across your
friends profiles may find their way to yours through you comments.
Hopefully, from this, they will then find their way to your Adsense site.
Social networking sites also come with a host of other features.
Blogging and bulletins are two of the most helpful. You could blog on a
variety of subjects once or twice weekly. Include links in the blog posts
as these links will help in your search engine rankings and they will
also provide a gateway to direct traffic from those looking over your
blog entry.
Bulletins are essentially mass public messages to everyone one your
friends list. You can send bulletins as frequently as you like. Whatever
bulletins you send, be sure that it includes links to your Adsense site.
Again, you want to promote a lot of links on the web and you want to
expand opportunities for direct traffic. The more traffic your Adsense
sites get, the greater the potential revenue they will earn. Really,
there is no limit to the ways you can use a social networking site for
link building and direct traffic. So, if you are promoting an Adsense
site, exploring the options available through social networking sites
would be a wise move.

Parting Words
In conclusion, developing a niche website with the intention of earning
money from Adsense is a viable idea. In fact, it could potentially turn
out to be an incredibly lucrative idea! There have been many
individuals who have taken the very simply concept of placing Adsense
ads on a website and then earned enormous money from such a
venture. Yes, there are those who have made six and seven figures
from such a venture.
The key is to create multiple income streams and to do this you create
multiple niche Adsense sites. Not only will you be earning money from
one niche website, you’ll also potentially be making money on dozens
of sites.
Of course, you may be asking if it is that easy then why doesn’t
everyone do it. Well, here is the answer: it is not easy. However, it can
be done. You simply need to commit the time and energy to the
process and good results will follow. Effort can be tough at times but it
needs to be undertaken in order to achieve the desired result. Look, if
you commit the volume of hours needed to be successful then success
will be achieved at some degree at a point in time.
This effort will be needed to be applied over an extended period of
time with consistency. Inconsistent “starting and stopping” is not the

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